- Complete Motorcycle Program -
Complete Moto Course 1199$
- Get the 'Operating a Motorcycle' e-book free by filling out all the boxes found at the bottom of our website -
Welcome to the best motorcycle riding school in Montreal! Nothing beats the feeling of riding a motorcycle and this is the 1st step into realizing your dreams of riding on two wheels. Riding a motorcycle is our passion here at Montreal Motorcycle Professionals and you my friend are about to learn everything you need to join our ranks!
Our motorcycle training safety course curriculum consists of 6 hours in-class theory + 16 hours on the closed circuit track + 10 hours on the road.
The entire process begins now once you register: simply by calling us or clicking the "click to sign up" button!
Once registration is complete, you will begin by scheduling / following your first theoretical course with us. This will better prepare you for your first written examination at the SAAQ. You will need to study our "Moto Pro Handbook" that is readily available at our offices. We also will supply you a specialized written exam for you to practice on consisting of over 110 questions, many of which regularly come up during the written examination at the SAAQ.
It is your responsibility to book your written exam appointment either online at the SAAQ website or by calling them using their telephone appointment system at: 514.873.5803
Upon passing the written exam at the SAAQ and obtain your 6R permit, you will begin the 16 hour closed circuit practical training on our motorcycles which consists of 4 sessions of 4 hours.
Upon successful completion of the 16 closed track hours, you must follow another 3 hour class of theory meant at preparing you for the road portion of the course. After which, we begin the 10 hours of training on the road.
Once completely done with the road hours you will obtain a certificate from our school that states you have successfully completed the course and can then proceed to pass your closed circuit examination at the SAAQ.
Upon successfully passing the closed circuit exam at the SAAQ, your 6R permit will be replaced by a 6A learner's permit that allows you to ride as an apprentice rider from 5am to midnight.
Finally after 11 months with a 6A learner's licence, you will be required to pass a final open road exam at the SAAQ to obtain your full 6A motorcycle license.
A complete guide of the entire process can be found here by clicking on the SAAQ button to be redirected to the SAAQ website .
Hi I'm Renan, the proud owner of Montreal Motorcycle Professionals Riding School.
I opened my motorcycle riding school after working many years in the Montreal motorcycle school industry; having taught thousands of new motorcycle riders the importance of good riding habits to survive the crazy asphalt jungle we call roads.
I have worked in almost every motorcycle driving school in Montreal; have seen the best and worst of them all. With this experience, I have the knowledge to apply only the best methods in my own school. That is my promise to you: nothing but the best service from the most knowledgeable bikers in Montreal!
I loved anything that had two wheels ever since I could remember. Riding a motorcycle is like flying, all your senses are alive. Today I can share that same passion everyday. I can share success stories of thousands of students realizing their dreams. Opening my own motorcycle school in montreal is in fact my dream come true and I'm glad to say this passion grows bigger every day.
Everybody has a dream... Just like riding, once you get hooked there's no going back and I can confidently say I have the greatest job in the world! Let us show you just how passionate we here at
MTL Moto Pro can be!
We here at MTL Moto Pro do NOT teach you how to ride by copy / pasting the SAAQ exams, we teach you how to survive in the real world. We can help every type of rider; hone their skills with easy to learn training exercises in our professional closed circuit track right here in Montreal. You can have confidence in knowing that we strive to see our students pass their closed circuit and on-road exams with ease.
Seeing a student go from never touched a motorcycle in his or her life to riding alone in complete confidence is the reason why I'm in business today... being the greatest montreal motorcycle riding school is my goal and promise to you. It's an intrinsic feeling of satisfaction that drives me to help you realize your dreams of riding a motorcycle.
Some students tell me I just got a way with people. I like to think, we as a team here at MTL Moto Pro bring out the best in you! How? By giving you all the tools you need and having the most organised, passionate, up to date team you will ever find to fulfill your dreams of riding on two wheels.
Hope to see you soon.
What ever your needs, Montreal Motorcycle Professionals Driving School is here to help!
We offer complete motorcycle safety courses for beginners as well as one on one private classes for those looking to perfect their riding skills if need be.
We also offer services such as closed circuit or on-road exam preperations, motorcycle rentals and even accompanied rides for you to join-in and continue your learning experience even after finishing your course. This is something no other school offers, to help the new riders have a chance to ride on their learner's licence. We understand your situation, we're all bikers here.
All of our on-site instructors and monitors are VERIFIED to be CERTIFIED by the SAAQ, unlike many of the Montreal motorcycle driving schools who have been in business far too long not to know any better.
For more information, just give us a call or send us an email just bellow and we'll respond in less than 24hrs!
Thank you for choosing MTL Moto Pro: keeping you safe on two wheels since 2013!

The MTL Moto Pro Competitive Edge
[Montreal Motorcycle Professionals]
We here at MTL Moto Pro understand that there are certain factors to consider when choosing a motorcycle riding school. Here's everything you need to know:
- Price: We will beat ANY advertised price for a complete motorcycle riding course, offered by an SAAQ accredited riding school operating fully on the island of Montreal.
1199$ +tax is our price for a complete 32 hour SAAQ certified motorcycle safety course. We set the benchmark with a success rate of over 97% at the SAAQ closed circuit exam, and over 99% success rate for road exams. Our skilled students set the bar high due to our team of dedicated instructors.
- Product and services: We specialize in Motorcycles, only motorcycles; It's what we do! You are investing in staying alive: the quality of the program and how you teach it is paramount. In short, we are the AAA team you always wanted to be in. We take our motorized sport very seriously. Don't be fooled by competitors marketing ploys about having the right technique or schools calling themselves "the king" just because they have been teaching how to drive cars for years. Franchise chain driving schools are the same; treat you like a number for profit. Like any fast food chain restaurant, it might be convenient or close by at first but you'll end up hurting afterwards. Having worked in every school in the Montreal area, 80% of their motorcycle students from driving schools are forced to take extra private lessons at an additional cost to you.
It's a down right SCAM for more profit! Especially when you sign up in a MTL based school but have to drive off to far off places like Vaudreuil without them even advising you when signing up!
We here at MTL Moto Pro pride in being honest, caring and giving you the highest level of organization, efficiency and instruction there is. These are important factors to you as a rider to get the best opportunity to learn to ride a motorcycle. To become a good rider, it is important to develop good habits from the get go. That's where the attentiveness and proper supervision from the instructors are paramount to one's development. We specifically follow each rider and correct any mistakes or bad habits on the go. We don't wait till the end of the class to grade how badly you've done or worse, send a marginal grade online with zero feedback. We fix your riding on the fly so you can become a better rider in seconds!
Beware that many schools give false information when it comes to the examination requirements at the SAAQ!
Our students deserve better; to learn on well maintained motorcycles with bilingual certified monitors and instructors who are dedicated to help you learn good habits to become a safe and skilled rider in a fun atmosphere where nobody will degrade you. We here at Montreal Moto Pro want everyone, man, woman and child to enjoy their learning experience.
- Place: Our practice track is over 75,000 sq ft, the largest and most centrally located near the major arteries surrounding Montreal, QC. This is where the real fun begins; it's a 100% closed off secure area where all the magic happens. This is where we begin to ride on small lightweight motorcycles and start putting simple riding techniques into practice. With the tips and tricks given by our world renown instructors, you will start to handle the motorcycle with skill and confidence and pass all your exams with ease on the very first try! We train the best riders to become old bikers, not statistics.
We here at MTL Moto Pro are 100% committed to making your two wheeled dreams come true!